I spotted the gargoyle mask at a second-hand store in Bath, England, where I was studying one semester during graduate school. I remember the Oxfam shop clearly, because Bath, with its winding cobblestone streets and medieval buildings, is the perfect kind of place to celebrate Halloween.
That fall, I was in a program that had students from all over the world. Some of them hadn't previously celebrated Halloween, so a few of us decided to plan both a pumpkin-carving party and also a Halloween party. We were students without a lot of money, so our main decoration was replacing the lights in the flat with red light bulbs to create "hell." The party was a hit. After all, Halloween just needs is a bit of imagination.
I haven't stumbled across a gargoyle mask since then, but it got me thinking about which gargoyles would make a good mask. Below are some gargoyles that I think would translate into fun Halloween masks.
Hampton Court Palace
Oxford (I think! But I must find my original negative to be sure... Please let me know if you recognize this fellow and know where he's from.)
Westminster Abbey
The Brooklyn Museum's Sculpture Garden
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